Friday, September 02, 2011

Carly Fleischmann one of my new Autism superheroes

Carly Fleischmann is one amazing girl, and the more I read about her, The more I love her. She is a such a good role model, not just for kids with autism, but for all kids and adults too.
Carly is non verbal, but she has found her voice through a computer. She makes me think of my daughter, Avery who is non verbal as well.
Avery is 5 and it breaks my heart when she struggles to convey a simple thought. Something as simple as "turn the channel because I hate iCarly" or "I want Goldfish for breakfast" or "Where's my Reggie?" (Reggie is her dog). Things that come so easy for most kids out there become a "grab my hand and show me" game of trial and error. We eventually get it right, but not without some tears. Currently, She has been doing a PECS program as well as speech therapy which will help her start to find her voice.
Carly gives me hope and inspires me and she will inspire you as well. If you are living with Autism or not you will find her a remarkable young lady.

check out this video from "The Talk". Then check out her Blog. then I dare you not to Like her on Facebook.


Carly fleischmann said...

Hi AVERY and AVERY's dad this is Carly. Thank you for sharing my story on your blog. I am going to link it to my facebook fan page. Avery your inner voice will come out just keep on working on it and don't give up. I love using the iPad and an app called Proloquo2go it might help you turn the channel and get what you want a little faster. Keep up the good work.
your autistic fan,

TLC said...

Hi. I was sent by Carly. :) I've bookmarked your site now. Do you have a FB feed to follow too?

Mike Lewis said...

I love you Carly, thanks for mentioning my blog. TLC, no I do not have a FB feed yet, I pretty much just started this in the last couple months, I plan on posting more and getting a FB feed. Thanks for commenting and reading.

Anonymous said...

Hi Avery, I am the grandmother of a five year old girl who has autism and is non-verbal. You sound like you have many of the same experiences as my son and his wife, and I admire all of you. Carly has given me hope for my little granddaughter, and thank you for sharing your experiences too!